Thursday, August 5, 2010


Beloved of God and ours,

We would like to make an announcement...

Calvary Chapel Pura Vida will be holding its first service on August 29th!!!

The space we will be renting is located in a church in San Pedro de Montes de Oca, just east of San Jose, in a very central location, close to the University of Costa Rica, and a hub for bus transportation, so it is easily accessible. It is about 15 miles from our home. Needless to say, we are so excited!!!

With this comes lots of planning and prayer requests. We are looking for someone to lead worship (the music portion). So please keep that in your prayers. Also, we have been going there to meet the people in the area, hand out flyers, tracts, and the evangelistic coins our care team sent us. Please pray for our outreach as well. Here are pictures of the flyer and the coins we are using, just so you can share in the excitement!

Stay tuned for pictures of the church. We will keep you posted on how things are progressing. Thank you so much for all your prayers and support, and please keep on praying!


  1. This is Waynes's Mom, just got on Wayne's blog and am so happy to hear of the new church and services, will be praying for your church and services. .God Bless y'all

  2. Awesome news guys! Rejoicing with you and praying for abundant fruit!
    Pat K. Shepherd's Staff

  3. FANTASTIC!!! So very excited for you!!! Can;t wait to tell M in the morning!

  4. Que buenas nuevas hermanos!! Horamos que Dios les de la provision que necesitan. Sabemos que Dios los va a bendijir. Los amamos y los mistemos.
