Saturday, August 29, 2009

Blue Ocean, Blue Sky

Hola Beloved of God and ours,

This week was kind of slow in the movement toward Costa Rica, which becomes challenging at times. But the Lord has a way of renewing our strength, and we saw relationships healed, our target moved, and new ideas and events.

Sometimes we seem to believe that we know what God is doing. And He is quick to let us know that we don’t! This is our story: we are now one week closer, and that is all we can say for sure. But somebody said “blessed are the flexible, for they shall not be broken”…but they will be stretched! So as of right now we are going to quit giving you exact days, times, and locations (other than Costa Rica!), and will inform you AFTER God lets us know. Our vision is clear, but the way to get there is not. From our original plans we went from Escazú to the building in San Jose. Right now we are here. That we think we know for sure! But “…tomorrow will worry about its own things, sufficient for the day is its own trouble.” Matt 6:34. So we continue on one day at a time.

Through what we have learned this week and searching for the Lord’s will, I just so happened to stumble on something that God helped me realize, and that I hope will be of help for you too. We (Christians) might not see God’s hand when we are waiting, and while we are waiting we do a little thing here and there. The day goes by, and we think “there goes another day” and we didn’t accomplish what God wanted us to accomplish for today. So therefore, disillusioned, we sleep. “Tomorrow’s another day” we say. “We will do our best.” Spiritually speaking, sometimes we search for purpose when “purpose” is already there. I read something this week that helped me understand this a little better –
F.B. Meyer’s book, The Best from All His Work. We complain our life is at a stand still, or that there is a type of monotony in it. But God could have chosen us to be something different than what we are. And then we would have other types of hoops to jump through…but we would still have hoops. I realized that God chooses our circumstances, and that His plan unfolds one day at a time. In the words of F.B. Meyer, “Each day He gives us the opportunity of weaving a curtain, carving a peg, fashioning the metal. We know not what we do, but at the end of our life the disjointed pieces will suddenly come together and we shall see the symmetry and beauty of the divine thought. Then we shall be satisfied.” Every little thing matters to God. In our eyes it might be insignificant, but in the eyes of God it is a puzzle coming together. It is like our friend Matthew, or our nephew Cristopher, who do and say little things that make their parents say “WOW, this is my son!”

Our Father loves our outdated cuteness when we do little things that represent Him well. F.B. Meyer says that those little things are the reflection of “the character in which we have to spend eternity.”

But little details build character to make a strong faith.

Luke 16:10a “One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much…”

I guess it is how much you put into something you really believe in. David practiced with a slingshot, and the Holy Spirit directed the stone that put him “on the map” in the eyes of the Israelites. Also God kept Joseph pure in thought, so at the testing hour he said “no” to the temptress.

These two examples give us an idea of how preparation takes place. It goes back to what you do with God in your time alone. I picture David sitting at the base of a tree in a beautiful green valley, meditating on his next Psalm, overlooking the sheep that he pastured. Or Joseph in jail, joyful to see a new day even in the worst of conditions, yet seeking to help those in need and honoring his Father in heaven. Neither one of them was ever able to see the whole spectrum of their lives. And I bet there were times when they thought “is this my purpose...Who am I?”

Meyer quotes:

Oh! Where is the sea?” the fishes cried,
As they swam the crystal clearness through;
“We’ve heard from of old of the ocean’s tide,
And we long to look on the waters blue.
The wise ones speak of the infinite sea.
Oh! who can tell us if such there be?”

The lark flew up in the morning bright,
And sang and balanced on sunny wings;
And this was its song: “I see the light,
I look o’er the world of beautiful things;
But flying and singing everywhere,
In vain I have searched to find the air

Sometimes it is like if a star would say “what am I good for?” and the Son would answer, “To reflect me.” Still hanging from the sky, seemingly not going anywhere, it fulfills the purpose God has for it. It is like the one star that came to the other and said, “What are you doing?” “Nothing” the other said. “And what about you?” “Oh nothing” …and all this while they are continuing to shine for another thousand years.

Who are we? We are stars in the infinite sky, shining in the emptiness of night, making beautiful the heavens. We are His creation in a space of time, shining for the Son, making beautiful the end result of His grace!

Stay tuned…

We will be holding our reception at Calvary on Sunday, September 27th , time and location to be announced, but we wanted to give you a preview of coming attractions.
We would like to thank “La señora Angelina” also known as Geiner’s mom, for all her hard work in creating the typical costarrican costume featured below and modeled by our precious niece, Deilani

Friday, August 14, 2009

Traveling in God's timing

Beloved of God and ours:

We have a new friend!!!!!!!!!!! We would like you to meet Matthew our buddy…An incredible 2 year old that God is using to minister to us. Faith is not something that we can fully understand but something that happens after you have believed. It is like traveling through time and then getting there….Where??????????? Exactly!! Where??? Wherever the Lord wants to direct our obedience while we don’t fully understand. This is Matthew, who in his young age and innocence, not fully understanding what he does, yields to the Holy Spirit to do things that are unthinkable for a child his age. This precious little boy prays for us by name (Mr Geiner and Miss Denise) and knows that our mission in life is to tell people about Jesus. Also, by his own choice, he decided to donate from his “life savings” to support the ministry in Costa Rica. You see Matthew’s mom was talking about us going to Costa Rica when we had the money to do so, and he said that he had money and wanted to share with us. His mom simply gave him his piggy bank and an envelope and told him that he could choose how much to give....he busily filled it up! .This child brought tears to our eyes and gave us a new prospective on faith. See faith and time go hand in hand and even though we didn’t totally understand it, now we look back and see how much He wants to give us His best… if we only let Him sometimes, and stop swimming against the flow of the will of God!!! Then we would discover the abundance of what He is offering.
For those who know us and have seen the struggles that we have experienced in the last couple months…you know our desire to be “there” ASAP! Yet, if we had left the 30th of June like WE had planned, we wouldn’t be in the position that we are today, with a furnished house and transportation waiting for us. We also would have missed the blessing that Matthew has brought to our lives and hopefully yours. We love you, Matthew, and we thank God for you!!!

In other news...we got the house. Yes we did rent it as of the 15th of this month. All we have to bring is clothes and books. God is abundantly good!!

We are one step closer!!!!!!!!! Even though the house hasn’t sold yet, we truly believe that we are very close… there is someone interested and is trying to be approved, so lets keep our hands together, our eyes closed and our faces scrunched.

What is next? Well we are actually packing books and some clothes, the rest is being sold or given away.

What is God teaching us? We are the work of His grace, what else can we ask for??…going to Costa Rica is about Him, and His care for us is our good. It is refreshing, and it provides for certainty in what we cannot see.