Wednesday, June 5, 2013

First Women's Conference


Vive con Reverencia
Exaltando los Nombres de Dios
“YO SOY EL QUE SOY —respondió Dios a Moisés—. Y esto es lo que tienes que decirles a los israelitas: "YO SOY me ha enviado a ustedes."  Éxodo 3:14

Conferencia de Damas
7y8 de junio 2013

Living With Reverence
Exalting the Names of God

Women's Conference
 June 7 & 8 2013

Carmen Camino

Calvary Chapel San Pedro wants to thank our sisters Carmen Camino, Nora Lanphere and Nancy Galligan for coming down here to bless us with this conference. They are an example of the love and compassion Christ has for His church, and we cannot thank them enough for the incredible blessing it is for us.
We also want to welcome our sisters from Capilla Calvario Sela in Heredia, Costa Rica, Luz y Esperanza in David, Panama, and Hogares Crea Damas in Tres Rios, Costa Rica. Looking forward to a refreshing time of fellowship, as we study God's Word together.

May God be glorified this weekend!