Friday, August 17, 2012

Aspen Project Team - Friday @ the Beach

Today the team headed to Jaco beach for a day of fun and relaxation. We stayed back to prepare for  weekend services, but will post pictures as soon as the team returns.

Aspen Project Team - Roller Skate Outreach

Thursday we hosted another skate outreach…200+ attended. The team performed two skits, Geiner presented a gospel message, and 12 young ones made professions of faith and received bibles and invitations to Ven y Ve, our youth group. Yet another good day! Thank you Lord.

Keeping them fed and hydrated too!

Aspen Project Team - Mothers' Day in Costa Rica

Wednesday we spent the day loving on 12 kiddos in a group home who are removed from their families. Wednesday was Mothers' Day in Costa Rica, and we were also able to love on the "tias" who care for these children day in and day out.

Then Wednesday evening we continued the lovefest, having Dinner and a Movie for the Mom's. We invited the tias and the children from earlier in the day, and everyone enjoyed a meal together followed by "One Night With the King" - the movie about the book of Esther.

Aspen Project Team - Clean-up at Vargas Calvo High School

We are in awe of this team. Tuesday we cleaned-up at the local high school, showing an amazing example of selfless service.

...and healthy competition!!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Aspen Project Team - Painting the Church

In our last post we announced the move to a new location. Well we have the joy of sharing with you pictures of the "improved" building! Yes, our friends from the Aspen Project from Calvary Albuquerque are here with a team. Team members, along with some friends from Calvary San Pedro joined forces today and painted the building. We would like to share with you the amazing job they did...and we are so grateful. We can't wait for the congregation to see it!!
Melissa will forever have her mark on this church :-)

How many missionaries does it take to paint a wall?? ;-)
The close-to-finished product...thank you team for a job well-done. You will be prayed for every time we admire the new look. You are an incredible blessing to the congregations of Calvary Chapel San Pedro and San Pedro Christian Fellowship, and we thank God for you.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Welcome Aspen Project Team

Ready to welcome the Aspen Project team from Albuquerque. They arrive this evening and we are so blessed to serve alongside such an amazing group of servants. Looking forward to what the Lord has in store!

 Estamos listos para dar la bienvenida al equipo del Aspen Project de Albuquerque Nuevo Mexico. Llegan esta tarde y estamos muy bendecidos para servir juntos con un grupo increíble de siervos. Mirando hacia adelante a lo que el Señor tiene preparado!