Thursday, July 15, 2010

Some thoughts from Denise

“Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth.” Col 3:2

When I think of the adjustments that we have made here in Costa Rica, I can’t help but thank God for His faithfulness. He brought us from a 4 bedroom house, to two rooms (one bedroom and one living room/kitchen/office combo) and a bath…and we are so comfortable. He brought us from two good-paying full-time jobs outside our home, to working full-time for Him…and we are so provided for. He brought us from usually being able to predict what tomorrow will look like, to depending on Him totally for what tomorrow holds…and we are so confident. So how do I make it here without my crock-pot, clothes dryer, dollar store, and other things I used to take for granted? keeping my eyes on Him.

Over the last couple of weeks we have seen the Lord move in a big way. Getting confirmation that we are in His will is such a satisfying place to be. Too many times we question our motives for what we are doing, and if they are in line with His plan. And then He allows us to get a glimpse of what He had on His agenda all along! How blessed we are to have that peace that so many long for.

Today is a windy, rainy day here in the mountains of San Rafael de Heredia. We have been told that the sun is farthest away from Costa Rica in these months, so the weather we experience is not what you would generally expect when one talks about “tropical” Costa Rica. Geiner is diligently preparing for a teaching this weekend, and I am here writing this. We are both fighting some sort of bug. Geiner has the start of a cold, and I am still hacking with a dry cough that has been around for about 3 weeks now. How strange to feel like winter (or as close as it gets in Costa Rica!) when everyone we talk with in the states is in sweltering heat.

Thank you for the time to ramble. Know that we are not that far away, technologically, and love to hear from you! Until next time,

“Now may the Lord of peace himself give you his peace at all times and in every situation. The Lord be with you all.” 2 Thessalonians 3:16 NLT


  1. hello Geiner and Denise. this Dan,just wanted to say Hi. its wonderful to hear about what the lord is doing. We are on vacation in fort worth tx staying with my best friend. We want you both to know that we are keeping you in are prayers. We love you and are greatful to be apart in some small way of what you are doing their. Be bless in the LORD and in the POWER of HIS MIGHT. Love Dan & Francine and girls

  2. My wife and I (along with another family) are moving to the Dominican Republic for f/t mission work, but we are considering going to the Spanish Language Institute in San Jose. Do you have any thoughts or suggestions? A part of me is really saying to just move to the D.R. and get some tutoring there. Thanks for sharing your honest thoughts.


  3. Hi Pat,

    How Exciting! We know many missionaries who have attended the Institute here, and were very pleased with the program. However, we also know some who are here serving and learning on their own. Investing the time into learning the language first will certainly put you in a position to hit the ground running. So that might be your deciding factor.
    Sorry I couldn't be of more help. Pray about your decision, and I am sure the Lord will lead you in how He wants you to proceed. We will be praying for you as well.

    God bless you,

  4. this was sooooo beautiful, denise, and so true. even though i was only reading your words, i could sense the peace in your "voice!" you are so beautiful and i am so blessed to be your sister in Christ!!!!
