Thursday, November 26, 2009

A Thanksgiving message

Psalm 50:14-15 (NLT)

Make thankfulness your sacrifice to God, and keep the vows you made to the Most High. Then call on me when you are in trouble, and I will rescue you, and you will give me glory.”

Here once again the Lord shows us that being thankful is about a practical style of life where the words “thank you” become a responsibility in the life of every believer, an action and a attitude directed towards the God of our Salvation, which prompts us to keep our word to Him. And the reward is sweeter than honey, soothing like water to the thirsty and food to the hungry…like peace to the afflicted. And at the moment we cry out to Jesus, He promises to respond and deliver us, and even more to give us peace without measure. Then all we have left is a feeling of eternal debt with the need to give Him glory!!!!

Psalm 100
A psalm of thanksgiving.
Shout with joy to the Lord, all the earth! Worship the Lord with gladness. Come before him, singing with joy. Acknowledge that the Lord is God! He made us, and we are his. We are his people, the sheep of his pasture. Enter his gates with thanksgiving; go into his courts with praise. Give thanks to him and praise his name. For the Lord is good. His unfailing love continues forever, and his faithfulness continues to each generation.

Beloved of God and ours, have a happy Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 19, 2009


1) The last box. Our last box has been packed…we are ready, now we just have to take the boxes to Santa Ana, California to be shipped to Costa Rica in the middle of January.

2) The last day of work. This Wednesday was my (Denise) last day as a UNM employee. Bitter sweet was how I explained it. Bitter because I have to leave, but sweet because it marks the beginning of our new journey. My three and a half years at the A&S Advisement Center were rich in relationships. I am blessed that the Lord provided not only an incredible job, but also a treasured “work-family” and a precious care team member and friend. I especially appreciate their patience as we planned for our move, but were never quite sure until the very end when the Lord would be sending us out. Thank you, dear friends, for your love and support. And I can’t forget my students. They too were an integral part of my UNM blessings, and I have many precious moments to mark my time with them. I thank God for the time that He gave me there, and look forward to what He has in the future.

3) The Battle. Please continue to pray for the Lord to protect us, as family issues arise. How appropriate that the theme of the conference we just returned from was Spiritual Warfare. Beloved, the fight is not always in the street…sometimes it starts in our own hearts or in the front yard (our own family). The auto-destruction of those whom we love breaks our heart, but we learned that it is not under our control but God’s, and there we choose to leave it.

4) The Change. Transition. Our heart pumps faster as we prepare to go. Questions arise. Where should we start? How should we start? When should we start the bible study? Then we hear “WAIIIIT MY CHILDREN!!!!” ‘Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the LORD of hosts.’ So we pray and wait for His direction.

5) The future. In the next couple of weeks we will be traveling. The first week of December we will be (if the Lord permits) saying good-bye to some family and friends in Phoenix, San Diego, and Tucson. Then we are going to help with Operation Christmas Child (OCC) in Juarez, MX. Then during the third and fourth week in December we are going to be here in Albuquerque opening services in prayer and being commissioned. After that, the date that we have awaited will finally be here - December 28th … a God date.

6) The rest. As we arrive in Costa Rica we will say good-bye to the old year and give path to the new year …we will seek the direction of the Holy Spirit to give the first step into the new journey in His precious will.

7) The Prayer Journey. Among other things we have been bringing the Costa Rican people before the throne of grace…for their hearts to be ready to receive the Word, for our hearts to be pure and in line with His, that His Word will first mold us, and second give us the wisdom and empowerment to teach it, and for God to continue to prepare and equip us. Please join us in these prayers.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Our trip to El Salvador.

Dear beloved of God and ours,

The conference has been a total blessing from the beginning when we were seated next to other missionaries from Costa Rica - Wayne who is involved with teaching inductive bible study method to bible students all over Central America, and resides in Costa Rica, and also Dave and Tamra who are near Tamarindo, in the process of learning Spanish and seeking the Lord on where He would have them settle. We will be keeping in contact with them, especially when we arrive permanently.

We heard from missionaries all around Central America, sharing what the Lord is doing in each of their ministries. It is very encouraging and revealing in many aspects. The theme of the conference is Spiritual Warfare - Putting on the Full Armor of God, and we have had a chance to hear some of the battles these warriors have been experiencing. The enemy definitely plants doubts in our minds to discourage us all....but as Paul says, we press on. These doubts are not something we are strangers to, and to know that others in the ministry have been there 17 - 30 years and still ask themselves "am I really called to do this?" was revealing because we know that the devil never lets up on placing doubts in our calling. But again we look up to Jesus and see, like Jeremiah, we will not be able to contain the fire of the gospel within us.

We met some old and new friends from Costa Rica: Phil from Tamarindo, who has been a pastor there for 3 years and has started teaching in Spanish; Wayne who lives in San Ramon with his wife Brooke, and teaches the Inductive Bible Study Method throughout Central America; Doug and Rosemary, who have a heart for coming alongside a ministry in Costa Rica, and will be attending language school in San Jose; and Victor and Nichol who we have known for two years now and are working with Jose Carrasco, and last but not least Dave and Tamra who are in Avellana.

Tamarindo, CR

Wayne and Brooke
San Ramon, CR

Doug and Rosemary
Language School, San Jose

Victor and Nichol

Heredia, CR

Jose Carrasco
Heredia, CR

Dave and Tamra

Avellana, CR

Tico Gang

The teachings were also very encouraging and refreshing with hope and trust in our Savior.
Teachings by David Eason, Jaime Siman, Sergio Lopez, Mark Presley, all from Costa Mesa, Rob Salvato from Vista, Fidel Gomez from Ft. Lauderdale, Carlos Bautista from San Salvador, and Bertin Almazan from Panama.

Tour of the house

This is where I'll be washing my dishes.
This is my kitchen, dining room, livingroom and office.

Thank You Jesus!

Looking out the front door.

Back corner of property. (All of these trees are about 70 feet tall).

Going towards the backyard from the front door.

Back corner of the house.

Our view of the backyard from the devo bench.

Our devo bench in the backyard and laundry room.

Our landlord's back yard is our front yard.

Peeking from inside the doorway.

The path towards the street, past the main house.

Walking towards the house.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Between Costa Rica and El Salvador

We are now traveling to El Salvador for the “Central American Pastors’ and Leaders’ Conference”… our heart is filled with confirmation of God’s calling to us “in such a time as this.” Once again the evangelical church is stained with the greed of pastors and people without scruples that take the name of our Lord to make themselves rich. It is exciting though to know that God will use us to make the difference, and bless the people of Costa Rica with the simple truths and principles of God’s Word… Thank you Jesus for being so merciful and full of grace.
His grace abounds and our “cup runneth over”… our little house is beauuuuutiful, our landlord is a friend, a brother, and our fellowship and prayers with him are very fulfilling.
His wife is a Spirit-filled women who loves God and seeks opportunities to serve Him…
The Lord is good and we are ready………..Thank you for your prayers and love.
Stay tuned for updates from El Salvador!