Thursday, February 18, 2010

One brick at a Time!

Beloved of God and ours,
Since our last posting we continue to see the internet connection come and go, and frankly this is the last we are going to post about it. It is just too frustrating. We are blessed with using the wireless connection on Gary’s porch, if need be, and do what we can when we can.

The good news is our boxes arrived at our house yesterday!! Tomorrow Geiner and his uncle will begin the carpentry project with the wood you see in the picture below, so that we have a place to put the contents of the boxes. Geiner is excited about having his books here, and I made rice in my long-awaited rice cooker last night. Life is good, and we continue to experience the hand of God working in our lives. We are so grateful to Him for His provision.

With the boxes comes the last segment of our settling in. However, we just might be doing this again in the near future. As of last week, the property we live on is officially for sale. We were expecting this down the road, and how long it might take is unknown to us. There are many properties in the neighborhood for sale, but we know the Lord has this perfect timing worked out as well. If any of you have been thinking of moving to sunny Costa Rica and might be interested in living in a beautiful, paradise-like area, you can see the house on Craigslist (…and we can vouch for the neighbors in the back ;) !! Well, it was worth a try!

Last Friday’s Foundations class presented some challenges. The air was thick with unresolved issues, on top of a very strong question from a 9 year old little girl (see below) . She asked about the incarnation of Christ and how Christ managed to create the world…the second part of that question was easier than the first. Well I don’t think I did a very good job explaining the “incarnation” to the nine year old in terms that she would understand…I try two different ways, but I don’t know if she really grasped it. Anybody have any ideas? I would love to be clearer to her.

Ministry this week has included some outreach…We have been talking about visiting the nearby parks to talk with people and hand out tracts. You see, the parks here are in the center of town, usually situated in front of the Catholic church. They are popular meeting places, and you can find people congregated just about any time of day. On Monday we put our feet to the task, and spent some time handing out tracts. Geiner did get to talk at length with Juan, an older gentleman who is a believer with mixed questions. He told Geiner that his discussion with him gave him peace. We invited him to the study, and also to join us for an outing we are having in two weeks.

On Tuesday, we had the opportunity to distribute tracts at a famous bus station in San Jose. The reactions to my (Geiner) surprise were some rude and a few grateful, never the less we gave out about 35 tracts. Eventually we are thinking to do the same at the bus station that brings people back and forth from Heredia. Then when we are ready we will have somewhere to invite them for fellowship.

This weekend we will celebrate Geiner’s dad’s birthday in Perez Zeledon. We have planned a surprise for Sunday…the first time Geiner’s dad (Elias) has had a true birthday celebration with most of his family. The Lord has been working in his life, drawing him closer to Himself through unexpected hardships. But through his bible readings Elias (Geiner’s dad) has come to know that God has not left him nor forsaken him, and that the Lord continues to be there for him through the tribulation…and will be there afterwards as well. Our hope is that this family gathering will be a testimony of God’s affection for us all, and that seeds can be planted for spiritual growth. Next time we will post some pictures of the celebration.


  1. WONDERFUL update! I will pass on that property info to my real estate husband! Blessings to you as you explain the truths of Christ to a may just be preparing you for parenthood! LOVE YOU and PRAYING FOR YOU!

  2. I love hearing and LOVE the photos..LOVE THEM! Blessings,

    Susan Parr
