Thursday, January 28, 2010

One Month Today!!!

San Isidro de Heredia 15 min. from our home

Dearly beloved of God and ours, it is hard to express in mere words the feeling you get when you know that God has you in the palm of His hand. We are sure you have all experienced this wonderful feeling of being so loved and cared for by your Heavenly Father, that you know you do not have to be concerned. Well, that is how we are feeling. He has provided for all our needs…and most recently with an internet connection (yes!), wonderful fellowship, our licenses, and so much more. Here are some details.
Can you believe it…we have been here in beautiful Costa Rica for a month! Wow, how time flies. We are still settling in…but at least we have internet as of two days ago – wooo hooo! Gary and Estelia, our wonderful friends (and landlords) have been on the case ever since we started hitting brick walls with the process. We are so grateful that the Lord placed them in our lives, and brought us here to live on their beautiful property.
The past week has been pretty full. We continue to pray for wisdom and guidance, and take advantage of every ministry opportunity the Lord sends our way. Saturday we did some exploring and investigating, to find some good places for people to stay when they come to visit. We took a ride to Monte Campana, not too far from our house, and it is beautiful. There is a waterfall, and lots of activities…and it is very reasonable. Just one of many places, we are sure!Sunday we had some wonderful fellowship with our friends and fellow missionaries,Victor and Nichol, and the congregation of Sela church. We attended service for the first time at Sela in central Heredia, and then went to Pastor Jose’s house for lunch. Victor and Nichol have some friends in from California, Brandon and Stephanie, and there were also some young men visiting from Calvary Chapel Managua Nicaragua. So it was a pretty full house.
We are doing our best to get the car in shape. Seems it needed some belts changed and a rotor…but then the engine light started blinking (which the manual says is cause for turning it off immediately and seeing the doc/mechanic ASAP!) other than that it has been a blessing. The car is in very good condition in spite of what is going on now…and we are enjoying the blessing.
As of last week, we are legal…in the driving sense! We were able to get our Costa Rican licenses within about 3 hours…which is pretty flawless in Costa Rican time (tell us that didn’t involve divine intervention!) Geiner will have to get a certification from the states to upgrade his to a B4, which is equivalent to his class A as a truck driver, but he has 6 months to go through that process.
And speaking of processes…we have begun the immigration process for Denise to become a permanent resident of Costa Rica. Once we “officially” start this, which involves receiving a couple more documents from the states, she will no longer have to leave the country for 48 hrs every 90 days. So if you come to visit you can only stay 90 days!!!.. but we can take a ride to Panama for two days with you, and then come back! ;-)
Hope this quick update reminds you of His goodness, His love and provision. He knows what we need and He provides. We trust Him with our lives because He is faithful and true and we pray the same for you. Until next time...


  1. Praise God! It is truly wonderful to read about how God is working in your lives!

  2. can't believe it has been a month! the photos are beautiful! so happy to hear that things are going well and that God is paving the way!

    matthew says "i prayed yesterday for them. i want to say i love you mr geiner and ms denise. i want to say hooo hooo haha to them (the sounds a monkey makes). i want to say i love you, i love you, i hug you to them."

  3. m just said "i want to say something else to them...i love you Jesus."
