Thursday, November 19, 2009


1) The last box. Our last box has been packed…we are ready, now we just have to take the boxes to Santa Ana, California to be shipped to Costa Rica in the middle of January.

2) The last day of work. This Wednesday was my (Denise) last day as a UNM employee. Bitter sweet was how I explained it. Bitter because I have to leave, but sweet because it marks the beginning of our new journey. My three and a half years at the A&S Advisement Center were rich in relationships. I am blessed that the Lord provided not only an incredible job, but also a treasured “work-family” and a precious care team member and friend. I especially appreciate their patience as we planned for our move, but were never quite sure until the very end when the Lord would be sending us out. Thank you, dear friends, for your love and support. And I can’t forget my students. They too were an integral part of my UNM blessings, and I have many precious moments to mark my time with them. I thank God for the time that He gave me there, and look forward to what He has in the future.

3) The Battle. Please continue to pray for the Lord to protect us, as family issues arise. How appropriate that the theme of the conference we just returned from was Spiritual Warfare. Beloved, the fight is not always in the street…sometimes it starts in our own hearts or in the front yard (our own family). The auto-destruction of those whom we love breaks our heart, but we learned that it is not under our control but God’s, and there we choose to leave it.

4) The Change. Transition. Our heart pumps faster as we prepare to go. Questions arise. Where should we start? How should we start? When should we start the bible study? Then we hear “WAIIIIT MY CHILDREN!!!!” ‘Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the LORD of hosts.’ So we pray and wait for His direction.

5) The future. In the next couple of weeks we will be traveling. The first week of December we will be (if the Lord permits) saying good-bye to some family and friends in Phoenix, San Diego, and Tucson. Then we are going to help with Operation Christmas Child (OCC) in Juarez, MX. Then during the third and fourth week in December we are going to be here in Albuquerque opening services in prayer and being commissioned. After that, the date that we have awaited will finally be here - December 28th … a God date.

6) The rest. As we arrive in Costa Rica we will say good-bye to the old year and give path to the new year …we will seek the direction of the Holy Spirit to give the first step into the new journey in His precious will.

7) The Prayer Journey. Among other things we have been bringing the Costa Rican people before the throne of grace…for their hearts to be ready to receive the Word, for our hearts to be pure and in line with His, that His Word will first mold us, and second give us the wisdom and empowerment to teach it, and for God to continue to prepare and equip us. Please join us in these prayers.

1 comment:

  1. Praise God!
    What exciting news to hear!! Keep us posted on your journey!
    the Wallins
