Thursday, April 4, 2013

First Quarter 2013 - A New Outlook

We wanted to give you a snapshot view of how the Lord has been blessing CCSP during this first quarter of 2013. Our prayer in the beginning of the year was for new beginnings, and the year started off with just that. On January 19th 2013 CCSP held its first baptism. The Lord allowed 17 of His kids to experience the joy of outwardly declaring their inward commitment to walk with Him for life.

Back in 2009 the Lord allowed us to visit a beautiful beach named Playa Blanca. We were especially taken by the calm and serene surroundings. As you can see from the photos below, the water is very calm and clear, the beach is very secluded and not very populated. As we prayed that first day that we visited we felt the Lord would some day have us do baptisms there. Little did we know that 3 years later He would bring us to that very spot to celebrate our first baptism as a church body. Praise Him and His creation!!

The microbus is loaded with anxious hearts...and equipment

Short explanation of the meaning of baptism, as hearts are prepared through prayer to "take the plunge" for Jesus!

Family and friends look on

Just some of the New Born-Again Creations!!

Jose Maria (Chema)





An entire family were baptized together...and they rejoice!
Cindy / Mother

Wagner Jr. / Son

Wagner Sr. / Father

Happy Family in Christ
We would also like to share a video made that day...thank you Jeannette for posting this to youtube!

January also brought our dear friends Dalton and Vicki Jantzen of 30 60 100 Ministries to present the workshop series Spiritually Healthy Leaders to both the Spanish and English congregations. We spent two weeks of intensive training with the body to cultivate the spiritual health and significance of our leaders.

February also began a new chapter at CCSP. On February 7th EDM (Escuela de Discipulado y Ministerio) began offering classes as part of their two year program. For more information please visit their website  Our friends and fellow missionaries from Calvary East Anaheim, Victor and Nichol Mejia have blessed us since our arrival in Costa Rica, and now they are blessing our congregation as well. Please pray for them and their ministry.

In the past we have celebrated our Afterglows on Wednesday evening. But the youth group, Ven y Ve usually were unable to attend because of school the next day. They had requested one on a Saturday night, and in March we decided to have one. We were truly blessed, and felt the presence of the Spirit among us.


Scripture Reading

Sharing the Word


Never let it be said that we don't have our share of fun and games. March also brought the first of many Domingo del Deportes (Sunday Sports). 

Thank you for allowing us to catch up with you, and share what the Lord is doing here in Costa Rica.
We ask for your prayers, as we move forward with expectancy to the next part of 2013. May the Lord be glorified in all things. 


  1. A great update...
    Blessings to you as you continue the work of Jesus in Costa Rica !
    Love and prayers,

  2. Hermanos,

    Wow!! What a blessing to see that the Lord has done and is doing through your obedience and faithfulness. May God bless you as you continue to serve Him. We think about you often. Please continue your prayers for our son. Thank you!!

    William and Dolors
