Friday, August 12, 2011

Fruit - Gotta Love It!

We miss those young ones terribly, but they have left their mark on Costa Rica. We continue to see the fruit of their visit. It is such a blessing when someone comes to church with a green flyer in their hand. It reminds us of our walks in the neighborhoods and the universities handing them out, accompanied by our dear friends from Albuquerque.

Ven y Ve, the youth group launched by the roller skating outreach (see previous post)met two Saturdays ago and enjoyed a sweet time of fellowship with Alina, Christina, and Estefan, including an intro to Ven y Ve - who we are, and what the Lord has placed on our hearts. Then we played some games, ate some pizza, and watched “Letters to God”. If you haven’t seen that movie, please treat yourself. It is inspirational and encouraging. After the movie we spent some time talking about our favorite part of the movie and why.

We met again last Saturday and welcomed some new friends to the fellowship. We enjoyed some games and especially one which led into a message from Nathan about the bible and its integrity and relevance. We played the “whisper down the lane” game to point out how difficult it is to pass a message along without losing the true meaning.

We look forward to sharing what the Lord is doing inVen y Ve, as we reach out to the younger crowd.

On another note, we are stepping out in faith this weekend with an additional service at 3:00 in the afternoon. Since we have found more people speaking English on our ventures, who are looking for an environment where they can practice their English while receiving the Word of God...we are adding the contemporary English service at 3:00 p.m. while continuing to serve at the traditional English service at 11:00 a.m. with San Pedro Christian Fellowship.
This week we have been handing out these flyers...let's see what the Lord has in store! Please pray for the Lord’s guidance and direction for this new service.
" comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God" Romans 10:17

1 comment:

  1. such great works of God!!!! so very excited for you!!!
