Tuesday, May 24, 2011

19 Years and Blessed! A Message from Denise

I am missing my sweet husband big time today. It is our 19th anniversary, and I am here in NJ for a time, taking care of my parents...and he is in Costa Rica holding down the fort. My dad was released from the hospital last Tuesday, and he and mom needed some help with things, like doctor's appointments, etc., until my sister returns.

Being here is a blessing...and I know the Lord has orchestrated this timing because everything has fallen into place. But that doesn't mean that I don't miss Geiner, especially today. This is the first anniversary that we have been apart, and I am so grateful that there is technology like Skype to close the gap a bit.

In the meantime I have also been blessed to spend some time with our Calvary Phila family, in attending the Missions Conference last Saturday, and Sunday and Wednesday services while I am here.

Thank you for your prayers...please continue to pray for my parents and their health, and Geiner and the ministry continuing in Costa Rica in my absence.


  1. Hey Denise,
    Our Calvary Chapel that we attended for years was a church plant from CC-Philly! Take care and I'll pray for your dad! Happy Anniversary...I know it's hard to be away!
    God bless,
    Alison Wallin

  2. With Denise being gone, I realized how important it is to rejoice always for the person, pray without ceasing over the person and always give verbal thanks for the person. Denise has been gone for about 1 month and returns tomorrow. We tend to take the ones we love for granted. Stop it and make a change!!!!!
