Saturday, April 24, 2010

Answered Prayers of the Faithful!

So we fasted and entreated our God for this, and He answered our prayer.
Ezra 8:23

Thank you for your prayers for the study last weekend. The Lord used the time to minister to those present, and to heal a relationship between two brothers that had been estranged for a time.

We are so encouraged to also share that one of Geiner’s uncles decided to attend the study for the first time. Initially that was not his intention. He was on his way to “have a beer and relax with some friends,” but the Holy Spirit used a phone call with his brother in the US to have him reconsider. During the phone conversation his brother was lamenting on how he was feeling very alone and without his family. That got him thinking…he had the opportunity to be there with his family instead of drinking in a bar. So he turned around and came to the study.

He later shared with Geiner how blessed he was by the teaching, and is hosting the next study at his house! Thank you Lord.

We also are encouraged by another family here in Heredia who want to attend the Foundations class on Thursday evenings (we recently changed from Friday to Thursday to help accommodate work schedules). The mom is a passionate bible reader, and is looking for a service that is centered on the study of God’s Word. Her son works here on the property, and has been strongly influenced by his mother’s devotion to the Word. He is excited to attend as well. We look forward to them starting to attend next week.

We are preparing for a busy month of May with visitors and a retreat! Geiner’s mom will be spending a couple of days with us at the end of this week, before she returns to Tucson. We are also expecting our good friend Ezra next Wednesday. He will be here with us for about 12 days and will be helping us incorporate some worship into our studies with his talent as a guitar player and former worship leader. Then later in May we will have our friend Heather staying here for 3 days before she starts her TESOL certification program. During her 6 weeks in the program she will be staying with a host family and will be fellowshipping with us. At the end of May we are excited to see the Pitman family while they are here in Costa Rica for their family vacation. And in the middle of all this we will be attending a marriage retreat for Calvary Chapel missionaries here in Costa Rica (May 11th – 13th) in La Fortuna, hosted by Calvary Chapel Tamarindo and their home church, Calvary Chapel Vista California. The speakers will be Senior Pastor of CC Vista, Rob Salvato and his wife Denise. We are excited by all the fellowship coming up during May and will keep you posted with details of these happenings as they occur.

Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.
Ephesians 3:20-21

1 comment:

  1. my sympathies in the passing of abuela. how amazing that you were able to share at her funeral.., and that your words prompted questions! as always it is so encouraging to read your posts and to see the amazing things God is doing in and through you!!!! we love you!
