Thursday, March 18, 2010

Rejoicing In The Presence Of The Angels

In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents."
Luke 15:10

Lately we have been posting our highlights of what has been happening here in CR, and how we have been passing our time. Well today we have decided to let you in on some news that might not be as detailed with the day-to-day events, but will definitely glorify our Lord and Savior, and the work He has brought us here to do.

If you have been keeping up with the recent posts, you have come to know Geiner’s dad, Elias. You have shared in the joy of celebrating his birthday…you have seen pictures of his family, his farm, his life. Well, it gives us great joy to let you know that on February 28th Elias Alvarado had his name added to the Book of Life. During a small “revival”, for lack of a better description, the Lord tugged on his heart and let him know that it was his day of salvation. He walked forward and received the Lord Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. After over a year of reading the bible, and Geiner and others sharing the wonders of a personal relationship with the Living God, he gave Him his life. Please rejoice with us, and keep him in prayer…a new creation indeed.
Well, the angels’ rejoicing does not stop there. Without going into too much confidential information, let’s just say that one of Geiner’s brothers has led a very troubled life. Juan has a heart bigger than his chest can hold, but also has succumbed to destructive actions that can only come from the enemy himself. Through many conversations with Geiner he has shared that he wants…no needs to change. He knows the gospel but has never trusted that Jesus is the answer to his crying out for help. Well, last night was the night…and during a long conversation with Geiner, he prayed to turn his life over to the Lord. Praise God for answered prayer, and for allowing Juan’s heart to be open to the promise of regeneration in Him.

“In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven." Matt 5:16

We previously mentioned Miles McPherson’s book Do Something…the overall premise is that the Lord has a plan for each and every one of us, and that plan includes how best to serve Him. The different stories sited include a woman who started a ministry to the deaf after she fostered a deaf child, a former prostitute who now ministers to girls on the street, physically handicapped people who share the love of Christ with other disabled people, and many more. The point is that we all have experiences to draw on from how the Lord has ministered to us personally…and how we can use that to minister to others.

For years now we have come to realize that the Lord has given us an amazing testimony in how He healed our marriage. We have shared this story with many individuals and couples, glorifying God in our portrayal…always being very clear that we would not be where we are today if it were not for the healing power of Jesus in our lives. He is the reason why we are the new creations (and new marriage) we are today. Well it seems that the theme of ministering to marriages has come up more than once since we have been here, including a very clear direction from the Lord in this area during prayer time. Recently a family member offered to open her home for prayer meetings and asked Geiner to lead them. This past weekend Geiner had the privilege to present a teaching on prayer to more than a dozen family members, which included two marriages in the midst of dealing with very severe issues…and the Lord was glorified. In fact there was such an amazing response to the teaching, prayer time, and question and answer session (which included addressing some of the marital issues being dealt with at the present time) that we have been invited back. The encouragement and invitation back came from a clear acknowledgement that those in attendance did not know the Word of God, and desired to know the bible more intimately.

Ministry has its challenges as well…and we were faced with another couple on the verge of divorce. We plan on meeting with them on our next trip to Perez Zeledon, but in the meantime Geiner is keeping in touch with both by phone, and sharing God’s views and outlook on their situation. We do not want to miss an opportunity to share God’s word in an attempt to save a marriage. Please pray for wisdom and guidance for us, and softened hearts for them.

Weekends such as the one we just mentioned give us such confirmation of God’s call for us to be here in Costa Rica at such a time as this. Thank you for your love, prayers, and support.


  1. Praise and Thanks be to God for the work that He is doing. We are rejoicing with you in knowing that your father and brother are now in the Book of Life. We miss and love you both and are praying for you. God Bless you!!

  2. I know you are blessed out of your minds. If nothing else results from you being there, you have served well. I know God isn't through yet. There is a great and mighty work to be done yet. Hope you are both well. I know you are blessed. Love you both. Carol is doing well.

  3. i laughed, i cried, and sat here in awe at all GOd is doing in and through you in costa rica!! so very amazing, and thank you for sharing! what a blessing to see what He does with yielded hearts and lives!
